Monday, December 30, 2019

4 Tips on Writing a Resume That Sells Your Skills

4 Tips on Writing a Resume That Sells Your Skills 4 Tips on Writing a Resume That Sells Your Skills A resume that leads to better job opportunities must contain the right keywords, powerful action verbs, expanded job details and results, and a targeted format.1. Use KeywordsKeywords are a necessary component of your resume. Does your resume shine with keywords that match the skills the prospective employer seeks in a candidate?Keywords are commonly known as core competencies. In order for your resume to pass through an employers applicant tracking system (ATS), youll have to make sure you mention the right keywords and core competencies.The ATS seeks out certain keywordsin every resume, enabling employers to select only candidate with the qualifications, skills, and credentials needed to fill the position. If your resume lacks the keywords employers are looking for, the ATS will toss it out.The keywords you want to include on your resume will depend on the specific job to which you are applying. Read the job description closely to get a feel for the keyskills and competencies a company is looking for, andtry to use language from the description in your resume.2. Deploy Action VerbsAction verbs can make or break a resume.Job candidates should always avoid using the adjective responsible. It is simply an empty word. Itlacks action, and it does not tell the reader of your resume about what you actually did.Remember when your English teacher would say, Show me, dont tell me? The same applies to resume writing. Every sentence aboutyour professional experience should begin with a powerful action verb.What is an action verb? Action verbs are wordsthat express actions somebody has committed. Examples of powerful action verbs include accomplish, administer, advise, analyze, coordinate, design, direct, evaluate, facilitate, implement, identify, supervise, utilize, and transform.3. List Your Job Details and ResultsTruth be told, it is hard to write down what you do on a day-to-day basis. So, take a step back and make a list of the top 5-7 tasks you handle or are responsible for at your company. Do you schedule client appointments? Do you supervise or train other employees? Do you do research or analysis of spreadsheets?Do you serve as a liaison to the executive management?While conveying the details of your work histories,we must also go astep further and discuss our job results. Results can include awards youve received, major contributions you made to the company, representative engagements, and even large projects youve leuchtdiode or managed.If your resume only includes job functions andexcludes job results, this can make you appear as an average candidate, instead of a candidate who goes above and beyondthe call of duty. It is recommended that you list at least three results and accomplishments for each position youve held.4.Format Your Resume ProperlyThere is an array oftemplates out there on the Internet that can help you choose a look for your resume. However, keep in mind that, when you send in your resume, an employer will look at it for an average of about six seconds.Consider, too, the fact that hundreds of other applicants may be applying for the same job.It is in your best interest to create a resume that isclean, clear, and concise, with a font that is easy on the eyes. Sans-serif fonts such as Tahoma or Calibri are highly recommended for resumes due to their easy readability.Additionally, remember to hit the most important topics and headings on your resume work experience, education, skills, and certifications. Always center your headings, as a readers eyes naturally gaze at the center of a page.A resume is, ultimately, a sales pitch. Your resume must sell your skills clearly, confidently, and assertively if you want to move on to the next step the interview.Master the art of closing deals and making placements. Take our Recruiter Certification Program today. Were SHRM certified. Learn at your own pace durin g this 12-week program. Access over 20 courses. Great for those who want to break into recruiting, or recruiters who want to further their career. been quoted by The Huffington Post and Business News Daily. She frequently speaks at local colleges and for organizations on resume writing, LinkedIn profiles, and interviewing skills. Wendi is the owner of The Writing Guru, a resume firm based in Miami, Florida, with national clientele.

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